Friday, December 26, 2008

4-give + 4-get = growth

As Christians, we have taken part in becoming more like Christ. If we are to conform to his image, we have to take a big step, and forgive + forget, the wrong doings that people have done to us. Forgiveness has always been the easiest thing for me to understand, but the hardest for me to believe.
Starting with Jesus, He forgives us no matter what. Easy for me to understand, hard for me to believe. I know that it is true, but try to comprehend how powerful he is. He will forgive and forget all the wrong doings that we have done. I cannot even fathom how hard that is.
I have been thinking about it for a good while now and I have come to realize that it isn’t that hard to forgive people. We just make choices ourselves on what is beyond our forgiveness. If someone tells a little lie, then we can forgive him or her. If someone has an affair, then there is no way that we can. When really that is bull crap. If there is nothing beyond Jesus’ forgiveness than there is nothing beyond ours. We have challenged our selves to become less and less so that Jesus will become more and more inside of us. If we are to do that then shouldn’t we start with little things like forgiving people?
God promises us no judgment if we follow his son. In order to follow Christ, we have to be more like him. So don’t let your life be taken over by grudges, just chill out and forgive every one

Hebrews 10:17(Holy Spirit speaking) Then he says, “I will never again remember their sins and lawless deeds.”

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