Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Feeding the Homeless

At this time of the year, we all get wrapped up in the “Christmas Feeling”. You know the feeling, when you are worried about what you are going to get someone, or what someone is going to get you. I know this because I want some Uggs, and I don’t know if my mom got them for me. When we do this, we for get to be thankful for what we do have.
Every 3 weeks my mannfest group goes down town to pass out stuff to the homeless. The people at McDonalds know when we do because every one orders over 10 double cheeseburgers. We all pack into however many cars we have available and we go down to Finlay Park. Once we get there we pray, break into small groups, and head out onto the streets to try to feed these people and give them some jackets, or blankets. After we give them What ever it is that we give them we spent a little bit of time with them, then we pray.
When I do this, it blows my mind on how thankful they are. I have never felt thrown out and then have someone come and love on me. Think about how it feels to have nothing, and then some teenagers come and give you some food and pray with you. I love what I get to do with these people.
But the saddest thing about doing this is, is that some people are hidden and don’t want to be found. Most of the people will go to a shelter, chill out at a bus stop, and be in a group or with a friend. But every now and then you will find someone in a little nook, whether it be in a parking garage underneath a door fame, or in an ally somewhere. Those people are the people that make me most thankful for what I have. These people don’t want to be found and they hide from everyone. When we find them, it represents the way that Christ has found me, hidden beneath my addictions and bad behavior. That shows me that no matter where I am or what I am doing Christ will find me.
So this Christmas, don’t get possessed in the Earthly belongings that you have. Take some time out and truly thank the lord for what he has blessed you with, whether it be a home, clothes, a T.V, friends, or family. Take some time out to tell God thank you. Thank Him for sending His son down so that we can have life with him forever.

Psalm 118:29
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.

1 comment:

  1. Dang stew i really like the end of that blog post
    about hide and seek lol
