Tuesday, May 26, 2009

UHHH i can explain

I havn't been blogging as you might have noticed. Well, my computer was broken for a while. And after it got fixed i just got lazy and i stoped. Which brings up what i want to talk about.
I can't tell you how many times people will get into the habit of reading the word, and talking with Jesus, but the second that their "daily routine" gets messed up, they drop of God's map. And once you fall off of Gods map it is soo hard to get back on. Why is That?

Well it is human nature to fall into habits, or into a routine. And those aren't bad by any means, but when they change we don't know what to do. For example i read my Bible everyday during SSR, then i normally blog on it. But it seems that every weekend I don't get into the word as often. And when my computer was messed up after i got it back i didn't blog untill now. We never think about it, but what we are doing is the same as what the religious leaders did when Jesus came. On the surface they looked clean, but underneath they couldn't have been farther from God. We are lacking that intament relationship with God. And i beleive that it is our fault, not his.

Their was a man, and he just got married to this beautiful woman. And every day they would lay next to each other , eat with each other, watch T.V with each other, do all the things that a good couple does. Then a couple days later the woman got a job, and she would go to work every day. When she would get home her husband would have dinner waiting on her, but she wouldn't be hungary. Then when she layed down in bed, he would have her favorite show on DVR for her, but she didn't feel like watching it. So she would just give him a peck on the cheek and go to sleep. The next morning her husband woke up with her and told her good bye, but she just went on and left the house. This continued for a few months, the the woman told her husband that she wanted a divorce because she said "you lost you passion." So she left him all by himself in an empty house.

Now that may not mean any thing to you, but this is exactly what we are doing to God. When we first found (married) God, we were all over him, we couldn't take our hands off. But then we got into some other routine, or maybe we thought that he was leaving us. Really he was their with dinner and DVR, but we wanted nothing to do with him. When we are off at "work" it gives the devil time to steel our hearts, or just have a little foothold. When we fall out of the word, we lose our passion. Then we decide to blame it on God.

This means alot to me because i know that every summer i start out on fire for God, but then a lose some momentum when i get out of my School routine. And when i start to slow down, the devil speeds up, and he tears me apart. And I start to think that i'm losing that intamassy with God. When really he is missing me. I begin to leave him, and the worst part is that it is unintentional. We don't just wake up one morning and say "I want to grow farther away from God." But somehow satan gets his nasty fingers inside of a milimeter whole in our heart where he will begin to dig, and eventually its a gaping whole.

So how can we prevent this from happening? Well first of all stay in God's lap. Keep on reading, keep on talking to him. The moment that you think "I should read my word," or "i'm boared."Pick up the Word and dive into some scripture. I have written to you who are God’s childrenbecause you know the Father. "God’s word lives in your hearts,and you have won your battle with the evil one."(1 John 2:14) That tells us that if we Keep in the word of God that we will never sin again. You can be completely blameless in the eyes of the Lord.
You also need to find a good group of Christians to fellowship with. As we see in Acts 2, the best way to stay with God, is to be around people who stay with God. If you have some friends that will keep you accountable, and that love you, i promise that you will continue to grow in the Lord.
Finally give all that you have to God. Don't try to hold back some things, he can handle all of it. (he made the earth he can handle your issues). Don't be scared to take that leap into his lap. Just grab onto him and don't ever let go. It wont be easy, but you know the saying "blessed are the ones who hold on." So don't let go, he's your only life line.

A few months after that woman left her husband she saw him walking down the street and she began to cry. She ran and jumped into his arms and told him that she was sorry for leaving. He just looked at her and smiled then said "I knew you would come back."

It's never to late to start back up with your Father.

In Christ,

Stewart Ryall

1 comment:

  1. Stewart, you are very wise in your young age. This is so very true of all of us. But to acknowlege it and to beware of it is the first step to keep God in your life. Love you, Aunt Ves
